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EH Graduate Programs Associate
Director of EH Development
Deux post-doctorats au CEFRES cofinancés par l’Université Charles
Date-limite de dépôt : 2 août 2019
Période concernée : 1er janvier 2020—31 décembre 2021
Langue de candidature : anglais
Adresse de candidature : (veuillez mettre en copie :
Deux chercheurs post-doctorants seront recrutés à compter du 1erjanvier 2020 pour deux ans au CEFRES. Ils seront affiliés au centre et à un département de l’Université Charles pertinent pour leurs recherches. Les deux post-doctorants seront recrutés sur la qualité de leur projet de recherche. Les résultats seront publiés courant octobre 2019.
Axes de recherche du CEFRES
Le premier post-doctorat est destiné aux chercheurs dont le projet de recherche peut s’inscrire dans l’un des 3 axes de recherche du CEFRES :
A qualité scientifique égale, préférence sera donnée à un projet portant sur les recompositions sociales, économiques et politiques de l’Europe centrale contemporaine.
Projet de recherche : programme TANDEM
Un concours spécifique est organisé pour recruter un second chercheur en post-doctorat dont les travaux abordent l’un des trois thèmes. Le candidat retenu travaillera en association avec un chercheur de l’Académie tchèque des sciences et un chercheur affecté par le CNRS dans le cadre du programme TANDEM.
Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales
Na Florenci 3, CZ-110 00 Prague 1
Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD positions at CISRUL
The University of Aberdeen, in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme, is delighted to offer six Early Stage Researcher positions, lasting 3 years starting in September 2019, for ground-breaking research on how political concepts are used in the world.
- The “nation” resurgent?
- We are the people beyond the nation-state
- Traditions of “citizenship” within and beyond Europe
- Rule of law and constitutionalism
- Sovereignty and the state
- The ‘democracy Phoenix’ – are young people changing the meaning of democracy?
- Politics of ‘democracy’
- Teaching political concepts in post-truth times
- Protest, populism and social movements
- Digitalising ‘democracy’ – transforming the concept?
- Civility and understanding the political
- ‘Radicalisation’, ‘extremism’ and the role of ‘civil society’
- Conceptualizing secularism, post-secularism and religion itself
- The politics of ‘religious pluralism’
- Horizons of the ‘Political’
General description
ESRs will complete a PhD with an inter-disciplinary supervisory team and benefit from a world-class training programme, including placements with one or more of our 23 international partners. We welcome applicants from across the social sciences and humanities, including anthropology, cultural and literary studies, education, history, legal theory and socio-legal studies, philosophy, politics, religious studies, sociology, and theology. ESRs will be employed by the University on a salary of £26,075 per annum, and will be eligible for a range of additional benefits including ample travel and research funding.
The ESRs will propose and develop their own research projects around the theme of how political concepts have been fostered historically, debated philosophically and politically, fought over by social movements, codified in law, transmitted through education and the media, and lived out in everyday life. They will register for a PhD and work under the supervision of an interdisciplinary team of supervisors. They will receive extensive training, including in engagement with non-academic audiences, which will include one or more placements with one of our 23 partners. They will also actively participate in the activities of the Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and the Rule of Law.
Successful applicants will be required to start on 1 September 2019 for a period of 3 years.
Candidates are required to meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher eligibility criteria. In particular, at the time of the appointment candidates must have had less than four years full-time equivalent research experience and must not have already obtained a PhD. Additionally, they must not have resided in the UK for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the appointment. Any appointment will be conditional upon satisfactory references, a 12 month probation period, the fulfilment of any conditions specified in the offer of a place on a PhD programme, and confirmation of the right to work in the UK and ability to secure a valid visa, if required, from UK Visas and Immigration.
Any appointment will be made subject to satisfactory references and a 12 month probation period.
For further information on various staff benefits and policies please visit
Online application forms are available at
The closing date for receipt of applications is 5th March 2019.
Should you wish to make an informal enquiry please contact Dr Trevor Stack, POLITICO Director at
Please do not send application forms or CVs to Dr Stack.
Please quote reference number LAN084R on all correspondence
The University pursues a policy of equal opportunities in the appointment and promotion of staff.
ARIEL (de l’Université de Lorraine) lance un appel à candidatures pour la deuxième édition de sa résidence d’auteur internationale en 2019-2020. Si vous connaissez un auteur anglophone ou de préférence, l’année prochaine (pour alterner), germanophone, hispanophone, italophone, russophone ou arabophone (c’est-à-dire dont la langue d’écriture est enseignée à l’Université de Lorraine, Nancy, afin que son inédit puisse être traduit par les étudiants et leur équipe pédagogique), n’hésitez pas à lui conseiller de candidater. L’appel est disponible ci-dessous en français, puis en anglais.
N’hésitez pas non plus à diffuser cet appel à des collègues d’autres langues (celles indiquées ci-dessus) ou à nous écrire si vous avez quelques questions que ce soit à l’adresse suivante:
Merci d’avance de votre aide,
Bien cordialement,
Céline Sabiron, Barbara Schmidt et Emmy Peultier pour ARIEL
Appel à candidatures : Résidence d’auteur 2019-2020
La résidence d’auteur internationale de l’Université de Lorraine, parrainée par le romancier, cinéaste et universitaire Philippe Claudel, lance un appel à candidatures pour sa deuxième édition qui se déroulera du 1er oct. 2019 au 31 jan. 2020.
ARIEL (Auteur en Résidence Internationale en Lorraine) met en place chaque année (semestre d’automne) un programme d’auteur associé, pour une durée de 3 à 4 mois, entre l’Université de Lorraine (structure d’accueil), et plus précisément l’UFR ALL-Nancy et l’IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, et un auteur étranger. ARIEL souhaiterait, dans l’idéal, alterner entre un écrivain anglophone (tous les deux ans) et un écrivain non-anglophone et dont la langue d’écriture est enseignée à l’Université de Lorraine et susceptible d’être traduite par les étudiants et leur équipe pédagogique (à savoir allemand, espagnol, italien, russe et arabe).
ARIEL s’appuie sur les savoirs et savoir-faire de l’Université de Lorraine (notamment dans les domaines des Arts, Lettres et Langues, d’Info-Com et des Métiers du Livre) pour participer à la diffusion de la culture internationale dans la région Grand Est et en France à travers la publication d’une traduction d’un roman de l’auteur par une maison d’édition française et la mise en place de divers projets autour de la présence de l’auteur à destination du grand public.
La résidence d’auteur est basée à Nancy. Elle vise toutefois également l’ensemble du territoire lorrain, avec des interventions, pendant l’édition 2018-2019, en Meuse (Bar-le-Duc), dans les Vosges (St-Dié et Epinal) et en Moselle (Metz et Fameck). Quelques actions de médiations dans le territoire du Grand Est et des pays frontaliers étaient également au programme (à Strasbourg et à Bruxelles) et pourraient être reconduites.
La première édition a accueilli un auteur américain autodidacte, Mark SaFranko qui rencontre aujourd’hui un succès particulier en Europe, notamment en France, en Belgique et au Royaume-Uni. Auteur de 90 nouvelles, de 8 romans et de nombreux essais et pièces de théâtre, il est également peintre, musicien (son 10e album vient de sortir) et acteur (au théâtre, dans des films ou séries ainsi que des publicités). Cette année ARIEL a reçu le soutien de l’Université de Lorraine mais aussi de la Région et de la DRAC Grand-Est, du Consulat des Etats-Unis, de la métropole du Grand Nancy et des Amis de la Bibliothèque Américaine de Nancy.
Ø Pourquoi une résidence d’auteur internationale à l’Université de Lorraine, Nancy ?
L’Université de Lorraine offre une large palette de diplômes de langues et cultures étrangères à ses étudiants (allemand, anglais, arabe, espagnol, portugais, italien et russe) et en complément une sensibilisation à plusieurs autres langues étrangères (chinois, néerlandais, polonais, portugais, suédois, tchèque). De par sa position géographique en région Grand Est, elle est particulièrement sensible aux questions d’interculturalité. ARIEL est l’une des vitrines, sur le territoire lorrain et plus largement du Grand Est, de l’importance qu’il accorde aux questions d’interculturalité et au brassage des cultures, mais aussi aux liens entre éducation et cultures.
ARIEL s’inscrit dans un environnement littéraire très propice et vient renforcer le statut de Nancy comme grande capitale littéraire et interculturelle au carrefour de l’Europe (« Livre sur la Place », entre autres).
Ø Organisation de la résidence
L’auteur devra dédier 30% de son temps au service de la résidence. Cette dernière se décline en trois volets :
ëVolet création et réflexion sur la création
La résidence d’auteur sera l’occasion de développer plusieurs projets visant tout public potentiellement intéressé et pouvant matériellement s’y investir ou y participer. Ce premier volet inclura :
- L’auteur pourra consacrer 70% de son temps à ses travaux de création personnels et à la production d’un texte court (nouvelle, poème, essai…) sur Nancy ou la Lorraine. Au bout de quelques années, les textes produits dans ce cadre pourraient être publiés en version bilingue dans un ouvrage explorant les regards croisés d’artistes internationaux sur notre territoire.
- L’organisation, par les laboratoires concernés de l’Université de Lorraine, d’une ou deux journées de recherche transdisciplinaire autour de l’auteur et de son œuvre.
- La mise en place par le CREM (Centre de Recherche sur les Médiations) d’un séminaire (« Narrations de la société/Sociétés de la narration ») autour de l’auteur en résidence qui permettra de réfléchir aux formes narratives utilisées et donnera lieu à une lecture en librairie (pôle diffusion) et à un atelier d’écriture avec les étudiants de l’UFR ALL-Metz (atelier de pratiques culturelles, pôle pédagogique).
- Mise en scène ou mise en voix d’un texte en français de l’auteur en collaboration avec des enseignants.
- Mise en place possible d’un concours de dessins ou de Bandes Dessinées illustrant l’univers littéraire de l’auteur.
ëVolet traduction
Des ateliers de traduction autour d’un texte de l’auteur non encore traduit en français, animés par des enseignants anglicistes ayant une expérience de la traduction littéraire. Ces ateliers de traduction seront une base de départ pour la traduction complète du texte en question, supervisée par un ou plusieurs enseignants-traducteurs, pour publication à la rentrée 2020 dans une maison d’édition française. Une classe préparatoire littéraire du Lycée Poincaré de Nancy participe également à ce projet en 2018-2019.
ëVolet médiations culturelles (auprès des publics universitaires et scolaires et auprès du grand public)
- Des ateliers d’écriture en anglais animés par l’auteur à l’Université de Lorraine (sites de Nancy et de Metz), avec la participation à des concours de nouvelles en anglais (« Write a Story » à Strasbourg + concours ORION au sein de l’Université de Lorraine).
- L’organisation de conférences-débats ou de discussions autour d’un ouvrage de l’auteur ou d’une des thématiques développées dans ses ouvrages dans des lieux de rencontre d’étudiants de l’université (BU ou BUFR, Centre de langues, Maison de l’étudiant…), voire de performances littéraires et musicales, si l’auteur était également auteur-compositeur et musicien. Des étudiants prendront en charge l’organisation pratique de ces manifestations dans le cadre de projets collectifs de Licence et de Master, sous la supervision d’un enseignant.
- L’organisation de discussions / conférences-débat auprès de publics lycéens, en accord avec la DAAC, qui assurera la promotion de ces actions, en essayant de viser à la fois un lycée du centre de Nancy (Lycée Jeanne d’Arc en 2018-2019) et un lycée situé dans une zone moins favorisée et cherchant à développer ce type d’initiative (Lycée de Fameck en Moselle en 2018-2019).
- La rédaction d’articles en français et en anglais pour alimenter le site web dédié à la résidence d’auteur, et divers projets de couverture des manifestations, par des étudiants de l’Université, sous forme de documentaires, articles de presse ou blog, en français et en anglais. (voir site actuel :
- La réalisation de documentaires ou de court-métrages autour de la résidence d’auteur et de l’univers artistique de l’auteur (notamment pour les étudiants d’Info Com ou éventuellement de l’Institut Européen de Cinéma et d’Audiovisuel).
- Interventions de l’auteur dans des librairies lorraines (en 2018-2019 : Atoutlire et Autour du Monde à Metz, La Taverne du Livre à Nancy, le Neuf à St Dié, le Quai des mots à Epinal, la Fabrique à Bar-le-Duc), de la région Grand Est (Librairie Gallimard du Monde Entier à Strasbourg et à l’espace culturel Muntpunt de Bruxelles). Les interventions pourraient être de nature différente selon les librairies : débat, présentation d’un livre, performance musicale autour d’un livre, carte blanche à l’auteur…
- Mise en scène ou mise en voix d’une pièce de théâtre ou d’une nouvelle en français de l’auteur en collaboration avec des enseignants.
- Exposition des peintures de l’auteur si ce dernier est également artiste.
- Une éventuelle rencontre « crossover » entre l’écrivain français invité par le CROUS en résidence chaque année et l’écrivain invité par ARIELpourrait être organisée : rencontre et échanges sur leurs pratiques respectives, et mise en perspective interculturelle.
- Une Masterclass sur la traduction et la réception des textes dans des aires linguistiques et culturelles autres pourrait être envisagée, en collaboration avec Philippe Claudel, sous réserve de disponibilité de ce dernier.
- Une participation de l’auteur à un événement musical et littéraire dans le cadre des manifestations organisées autour du festival Nancy Jazz Pulsations pourrait être discutée si l’auteur est musicien.
- En fin de résidence, une demi-journée ou une journée consacrée aux projets développés par l’auteur et autour de l’auteur sera organisée (pièce de théâtre, projection du ou des courts-métrages, lecture d’extraits de la nouvelle écrite par l’auteur autour de Nancy ou de la Lorraine, lecture d’extraits des nouvelles écrites par les étudiants, exposition des dessins produits par les étudiants, puis discussion-débat avec l’auteur et mini-concert donné par celui-ci en clôture).
Ø Atouts pour l’auteur en résidence
L’intérêt pour l’écrivain, outre l’échange pédagogique et interculturel avec des étudiants et lycéens, serait :
- De lui offrir une porte d’entrée dans le monde francophone (ou de développer son lectorat francophone s’il est déjà publié en France), avec la possibilité pour l’auteur de mieux faire connaître son œuvre en Région Grand Est, y compris en dehors de Nancy et de Metz, mais aussi dans des espaces transfrontaliers et, à terme, au niveau national.
- De lui permettre de nouer des contacts avec des maisons d’édition susceptibles de publier l’un de ses ouvrages traduits en français dans des traductions conjointement réalisées par un traducteur professionnel et des étudiants de l’Université de Lorraine.
- D’encourager la recherche universitaire sur son œuvre à travers l’organisation de journées d’études par les laboratoires IDEA (Interdisciplinarité Dans les Etudes Anglophones) et CREM (Centre de Recherche sur les Médiations).
- De lui permettre de présenter son ouvrage ainsi traduit et publié en français lors de l’édition suivante (un ou deux ans après sa venue) du salon littéraire « Le Livre sur la Place ».
- D’avoir, parmi les étudiants avancés de l’Université de Lorraine, des « interprètes » lui permettant de mener à bien ses projets, notamment s’il ne parle pas suffisamment bien le français.
Critères pour candidater :
-être un écrivain publié dans sa langue d’origine (allemand, anglais, espagnol, italien, russe et arabe).
-être un écrivain anglophone ou, de préférence pour l’édition 2019-2020, un écrivain dont la langue d’écriture est enseignée à l’Université de Lorraine (Nancy) et susceptible d’être traduite par les étudiants et leur équipe pédagogique: allemand, espagnol, italien, russe et arabe.
-avoir d’autres talents artistiques avérés (musique, théâtre, peinture etc.) serait un plus.
Votre dossier de candidature doit comprendre :
- Une lettre de motivation en français ou en anglais expliquant votre intérêt pour la Résidence d’Auteur, votre objectif, votre projet artistique avec des propositions d’activités pédagogiques et de médiation culturelle auprès du grand public, et votre intérêt pour Nancy et le Grand Est français)
- Un CV détaillé en français ou en anglais de votre parcours et de vos publications
- Un échantillon de vos publications (2 textes de nature et de longueur différentes), comprenant le livre que vous souhaiteriez voir publier en français
Merci d’adresser vos questions potentielles et, le cas échéant, votre candidature (lettre de motivation, CV et un échantillon de vos écrits) à l’ avant le 15 décembre 2018.
Pour plus d’informations sur la première édition d’ARIEL, merci de consulter le site internet :
Le jury sera composé d’universitaires de l’Université de Lorraine, (IUT Charlemagne et UFR ALL-Nancy), d’écrivains (dont Philippe Claudel et Mark SaFranko), de libraires et bibliothécaires, d’éditeurs (susceptibles de publier l’ouvrage en français), de représentants locaux et régionaux, ainsi que d’étudiants.
Call for Applications: Writer’s Residence 2019-2020
Under the patronage of novelist, filmmaker and academic Philippe Claudel, the International Writer’s Residence based at Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France) is launching a call for applications for its second year that will run from 1 Oct. 2019 to Jan. 31. 2020.
ARIEL (Author in International Residence in Lorraine) has set up a yearly program (autumn semester) of associated author for a period of 3 to 4 months between Université de Lorraine (host institution), and more specifically UFR ALL-Nancy (School of Arts and Modern Languages) and IUT (University Institute of Technology) Nancy-Charlemagne, and a foreign author. ARIEL would ideally alternate between an English-speaking writer (every two years) and a non-English-speaking writer whose writing language is taught at Université de Lorraine and likely to be translated by the students and the academic staff (i.e. German, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Arabic).
ARIEL relies on the knowledge and know-how of Université de Lorraine (in particular in the fields of Arts, Literature and Languages, Information and Communication and Book Trade & Publishing) to participate in the dissemination of international culture in eastern France and the whole country through the publication of a French translation of the author’s text by a French publishing house and the implementation of various projects around the author’s presence for students, pupils and the wider public.
The writer’s residence is based in Nancy. However, it also aims at the whole of the Lorraine territory, with interventions (in 2018-2019) in Meuse (Bar-le-Duc), in the Vosges (St-Dié and Epinal) and in Moselle (Metz and Fameck). Some mediation actions in the “Grand Est” region (Strasbourg) and neighboring countries (Brussels) were also on the agenda and could be renewed in 2019-2020.
In 2018-2019 ARIEL invited self-taught American author Mark SaFranko who enjoys particular success in Europe, particularly in France, Belgium and the United Kingdom. On top of having written 90 short stories, 8 novels and numerous essays and plays, he is also a painter, a musician (his 10th album has just been released) and an actor (in plays, films or series as well as commercials). This year ARIEL has received the support of the University of Lorraine but also the “Grand Est” region and the “DRAC Grand-Est”, the Consulate of the United States, the metropolis of Greater Nancy and the Friends of the American Library of Nancy.
ü Why an International Writer’s Residence at the Université de Lorraine, Nancy? Université de Lorraine offers a wide range of degrees in foreign languages and cultures (German, English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and Russian) as well as introductory courses in several other foreign languages (Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, and Czech). Because of its geographical position in the Grand Est region, it is particularly sensitive to questions of interculturality. ARIEL is one of the showcases of the importance that the Lorraine territory and more widely the Grand Est region give to the questions of interculturality and the mixing of cultures, but also to the links between education and culture.ARIEL is part of a very favorable literary environment and reinforces the status of Nancy as a great literary and intercultural capital at the crossroads of Europe (“Livre sur la Place”, among others).
ü The Organization of the residenceThe author will dedicate 30% of his/her time to the service of the residence. The latter hinges around three sections:
ë Creativity and Reflection on Creativity
The writer’s residence will be an opportunity to develop several projects aimed at any potentially interested public who can materially invest in or participate in it. This first section will include the following:1. The author will devote 70% of his/her time to his/her personal creative work and the production of a short text (short story, poem, essay …) about Nancy or the Lorraine territory. After a few years, the texts produced in this context will be published in a bilingual book exploring the perspectives of international artists on our territory.2. The organization – by the Université de Lorraine research centres involved in the project –of one or two days of transdisciplinary research around the author and his work.3. The setting up of a CREM (Research Center on Mediations) seminar around the writer in residence that will reflect on the narrative forms used and will lead to reading sessions in bookstores and a creative writing workshop with the students from the Metz campus (workshop on cultural practices).4. The staging or reading of a French text by the author in collaboration with academics.5. The possible setting up of a drawing or comic book competition illustrating the author’s literary world.
Translation workshops around one of the author’s texts that has not yet been translated into French. They will be led by academics with an experience in literary translation. These translation workshops will be a starting point for the full translation of the text in question, supervised by academics and translators, with a view to publishing the text in a French publishing house in September 2020 (éditions Inculte,, for the 2018-19 ARIEL residence). A “classe préparatoire littéraire” at Lycée Poincaré in Nancy is also involved in this project in 2018-2019.
ëCultural Mediations (with pupils, students and the wider general public)
- English creative writing workshops led by the author at Université de Lorraine (Nancy and Metz), with the participation in short story competitions in English (“Write a Story” in Strasbourg + ORION at Université de Lorraine).2. The organization of conferences-debates or discussions hinging around one of the author’s texts or around one of the themes developed in his/her work on the university campus (University Library, Language Centre, Student House…), including literary and musical performances, if the author is also a songwriter and musician. Students will take charge of the practical organization of these events within the framework of their undergraduate and graduate collective projects, and under the supervision of an academic.3. The organization of discussions / conferences-debates with high school pupils, in agreement with the DAAC which will promote these actions, trying to target both a high school in the centre of Nancy (Lycée Jeanne d’Arc in 2018-2019) and a high school located in a less favored area and seeking to develop this type of initiative (Lycée Fameck in the Moselle territory in 2018-2019).4. The writing (by university students) of articles in French and English to feed the website dedicated to the writer’s residence, and various projects covering the events in the form of documentaries, press or blog articles in French and in English. (see current website: The production of documentaries or short films around the writer’s residence and the writer’s artistic world (especially for Info Com students or possibly students from the European Film and Audiovisual Institute)6. The interventions of the author in Lorraine bookshops (in 2018-2019: Atoutlire and Autour du Monde in Metz, La Taverne du Livre in Nancy, Le Neuf in St Dié, the Quai des mots in Epinal, La Fabrique in Bar-le-Duc), the Grand Est region (Librairie Gallimard du Monde Entier in Strasbourg and the cultural centre Muntpunt in Brussels). The interventions could be of different nature depending on the bookstores: a debate, the presentation of a book, a musical performance around a book, or a free hand…7. The staging or reading of a play or a novel in French by the author in collaboration with academics.8. The exhibition of the author’s paintings if the latter is also an artist.9. A possible “crossover” meeting between the French writer invited by the CROUS each year and the writer invited by ARIEL could be organized: meeting and exchanges on their respective practices from an intercultural perspective.10. A Translation Masterclass could be considered, in collaboration with Philippe Claudel, depending on the latter’s availability.11. The author’s participation in a musical and literary event as part of the events organized around the Nancy Jazz Pulsations Festival could be discussed if the author is also a musician.12. At the end of the residence, an afternoon or a day devoted to the projects developed by the author and around the author will be organized (with the staging of a play based on the author’s work, the screening of a short film shot during the residence, the reading of excerpts from the author’s essay/short story/ poem on Nancy or the Lorraine territory, the reading of excerpts from the blog written by students, the exhibition of students’ drawings).
Ø Benefits for the author in residence
In addition to the benefits of the pedagogical and intercultural exchange with students and high school pupils, the writer would be:
- given a gateway into the French-speaking world (or he would be able to develop his/her French-speaking readership if he/she is already published in France), with the possibility for the author to make his/her work better known in the Grand Est region, including outside Nancy and Metz, but also in bordering regions and, eventually on a national level.
- able to make contact with publishing houses likely to publish one of his/her works translated into French jointly by a professional translator and students of the University of Lorraine.
- studied. The residence would encourage academic research on his/her work through the organization of symposiums by IDEA (Interdisciplinarity in Anglophone Studies) and CREM (Center for Research on Mediations) research centres.
- able to present his/her work thus translated and published in French during the following residence (one or two years after his own residence) at the literary festival “Le Livre sur la Place”.
- accompanied by “interpreters” (advanced students from Université de Lorraine) to carry out his projects, especially if he/she does not speak French fluently.
Criteria to apply:
-already be a writer published in his/her native language (German, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian or Arabic).
-be an English-speaking writer or, preferably in 2019-2020, a writer whose writing language is taught at Université de Lorraine (Nancy) and likely to be translated by the students and their teaching staff: German, Spanish, Italian, Russian or Arabic.
– have other proven artistic talents (in music, theatre, painting etc.) would be a plus.
Your application must include:
- A cover letter in French or English explaining your interest in the Writer’s Residence, your objective, your artistic project with proposals for educational activities and cultural mediations to the general public, as well as your interest in Nancy and the Grand Est region.
- A detailed CV in French or English of your career and published works.
- A sample of your publications (2 texts of different types and lengths), including the text you would like to have translated into French and published in France.
Please send your potential questions and your application (cover letter, CV and a sample of your writings) to the following email address before December 15, 2018.
For more information on this year’s Residence, please visit our ARIEL website:
The jury will be composed of academics from Université de Lorraine, (IUT Charlemagne and UFR ALL-Nancy), writers (including Philippe Claudel and Mark SaFranko), booksellers and librarians, publishers (likely to publish the author’s text in French), local and regional representatives, as well as students.
PhD Position
The interdisciplinary Fiction Meets Science research consortium in northern Germany has a Ph.D. research opportunity in sociology for a scholar with a background in sociology, cultural studies, science studies or related field. The position is fully funded for three years (in the German salary system, which can be confusing—if you have questions before applying, contact us). English language fluency required (German is helpful, but not required).
The Ph.D. candidate will work in the project Science in Post-colonial Speculative Fiction: Nature/Politics/Economies Reimagined, examining the contemporary rise of utopian/dystopian postcolonial speculative fiction—predominantly novels—and asking how a focus on the Global South influences imaginings of future societies and the role of science at the nexus of nature, politics, and economics.
For details, see and explore the Fiction Meets Science website at The Ph.D. will be based at the University of Bremen and supervised by Dr. Sina Farzin and Professor Uwe Schimank. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Sina Farzin (
The deadline for this position is currently October 19th but will likely be extended to November 1: if you would like to apply, please send a quick email ASAP to Sina Farzin noting your intent.
Post-doc/PhD position
Teaching and Research Assistant
Bern Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rippl is looking to select a post-doc or doctoral student (with an MA or equivalent degree) interested in pursuing their post-doc / PhD in North American Literature under her supervision while working part‐time as teaching‐cum‐research assistant in the Department of English at the University of Bern, Switzerland.
ASLE Translation Grants Call Reopened
Because we only received one proposal from our 2017 call, ASLE will accept proposals for the remaining two grants of $1,000 each into 2018 on a rolling basis. See submission instructions at:
Materials (and any questions) can be submitted electronically on a rolling basis until all funds are awarded to Heather Sullivan at
Heather I. Sullivan, Ph.D. Professor of German. ASLE Professional Liaison Coordinator
Director of Interdisciplinary Minor in Comparative Literature, Trinity University, TX.
Call for applicants to the RCC’s interdisciplinary doctoral program
in Environment and Society.
The deadline for applications is 15 November. All further details can be found on the Proenviron website:
Planetary Futures – 3 credits
International Graduate Summer School
Concordia University- Montréal
Ph.D. Course:
Forging sustainable modernity:The Nordic Model and beyondTime and place: Sep. 18, 2017 – Sep. 22, 2017, CSMN, Georg Morgenstiernes house
The objective of this interdisciplinary course is to explore challenges to sustainable modernity in cultural, economic, political and institutional realms.
Application deadline: May 02, 2017.
The course is also intended for doctoral students in literary and cultural studies, and the deadline for applications is 2 May. The course is free, and students from outside Norway can apply for funding of their travel and accommodation costs.
For more information:
This is the CCA’s third Mellon Multidisciplinary Research Project. For more information on this call, click here. The deadline is 21 April 2017.
Applications are invited for three fully-funded doctoral research studentships in a new Research Network funded by the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities.
Imagining and Representing Species Extinction
About WRoCAH Networks
WRoCAH White Rose Networks each comprise three PhD studentships. Students will work on one aspect of an over-arching research theme, and will benefit from being part of an integrated community working upon a larger initiative. Each WRoCAH White Rose Networks Studentship has two supervisors – one at the student’s home institution and a co-supervisor at one of the other White Rose institutions.
Each university acts as lead on one studentship, and co-supervisor on another so each Network comprises six academics and three PhD researchers with parity of involvement across the three institutions.
Successful students will be expected to participate fully in the Network’s activities, working with other PhD researchers exploring the common theme from three different perspectives. Students will also be part of the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities and have access to the additional funding opportunities membership offers. For more details of these please see
About this Network
Imagining and representing species extinction – both currently witnessed and projected into the future, including human extinction – has become a powerful social and cultural discourse, the study of which is the domain of no single discipline. This network brings together researchers in environmental conservation, English literature, interactive media, management, philosophy and religious studies in order to contribute critically to the cross-disciplinary study of extinction in all its different biological forms and socio-cultural functions today. Whilst historically extinction has evoked the disappearance of iconic species of animals and plants, it is just as likely to be discussed today in the context of macro-scale considerations of global ecological crisis and the interdependence of human and nonhuman life in an era of anthropogenic climate change. From reporting on climate tipping points (which include rapid biodiversity loss), suggestions that we are living in the ‘Anthropocene epoch’ and an associated ‘sixth mass extinction event’, to a recurrent ‘eco-apocalypse’ and ‘animal apocalypse’ theme in cinematic and literary narratives, the studies of human and non-human life have become radically intertwined. Greater input is thus urgently needed from arts and humanities to work alongside, as well as to critically engage with, the scientific discoveries and ethical imperatives of contemporary wildlife conservation studies.
Alongside a concern with how and why we value and protect biodiversity, individual species and ecosystems, the network addresses questions that have been hampered by disciplinary boundaries. For example: in what sense is extinction a harm, and to what or whom? Why do people lament the loss of some species and not others? How do they communicate the significance of that loss at an individual and / or collective level? How do people connect the loss of nonhuman species with fears of human extinction?
The network will meet three times per year, alternating between institutions. Two of these will be opportunities to feedback on progress internal to the group, whilst a third will involve a larger activity seeking input from outside the network. In years 2 and 3 students will co-organise and contribute to a postgraduate symposium at which they will present papers and chair panels. Further to these events, there will be extensive opportunities throughout the 3 years to participate in interdisciplinary research events, networks, and workshops across the three institutions.
Studentships available
Application Closing Date: 5pm BST on Wednesday 17 May 2017
In the interests of fairness, late applications will not be accepted. Interviews will take place during the first week of June.
University | Studentship Topic | Principal Supervisor | Co-Supervisor |
Leeds | Last Whales: Extinction and the Contemporary Cetacean Imaginary | Graham Huggan
School of English University of Leeds |
Callum Roberts
Environment Department University of York |
Sheffield | Theories of loss in cultural representations of extinction | Robert McKay
School of English University of Sheffield |
Stefan Skrimshire
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds |
York | A World Without Bees? The role of our social and cultural imagination in responding to bee extinction. | Deborah Maxwell
Department of Theatre, Film and Television, University of York |
Jill Atkins
School of Management University of Sheffield |
Studentship 1: University of Leeds
Last Whales: Extinction and the Contemporary Cetacean Imaginary
Whales and other cetaceans have been among the most consistently mythologised of living creatures, while some species currently count among the most endangered on Earth. This PhD studentship will chart contemporary representations of a ‘cetacean imaginary’, combining literary (possibly also film and television) studies with research in marine conservation biology.
Studentship 2: University of Sheffield
Theories of loss in cultural representations of extinction
This studentship will explore contemporary literary and other cultural portrayals of species extinction (including the extinction of the human animal). It will interpret them in the context of critical-theoretical approaches to loss—for example beliefs about death and the afterlife; life, vitalism and biopolitics; or memory, mourning and melancholia—to better understand how we value human and nonhuman existence in contemporary cultures.
Studentship 3: University of York
A World Without Bees? the role of our social and cultural imagination in responding to bee extinction.
This studentship will look at the role of innovative design techniques and methods, as well as visualisation and increasing stakeholder engagement in the prevention of pollinator extinction. This may involve shaping and identifying collective and conflicting narratives by which individuals, communities and corporations project, plan for, or attempt to avoid, a world without bees. We encourage applications from a wide range of disciplines including interaction design and speculative design, social and environmental accounting, and related fields.
For more information on any of these studentships, please contact:
Dr Stefan Skrimshire:
Applicant Requirements
Applicants must:
– Have at least a UK Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent. A Masters degree is desirable or demonstration of equivalent experience.
– Demonstrate a desire to participate fully in the network and its activities.
– Demonstrate a desire to engage with and benefit from the full WRoCAH cohort of students from across the three White Rose Universities (c. 80 students) at the same stage in their research, in a shared training and development programme.
Terms and Conditions
Each WRoCAH White Rose Networks Studentship is tenable for three years and students are expected to start in October 2017. As the coherence of the network is important, deferrals will not be permitted.
The award will provide fees at the Home/EU rate and a stipend paid at standard Research Council rates
(£14,553) for the first year of study. The award is renewable for a second and third year of study subject to satisfactory academic progress according to each institution’s Policy on Research Degrees.
Successful students will also be eligible to apply to additional WRoCAH funding schemes for research support, training, student-led activities and knowledge exchange projects. All students will be required to spend one month with an external Partner organisation on a specific project to develop their employability skills.
If international students are appointed to the project then the following individual University regulations will apply:
– Leeds: If an international candidate is offered a WRoCAH White Rose Networks Studentship, the School would have to pay the difference between the international fee rate and the standard UK/EU fee rate.
– Sheffield: If an international candidate is offered a WRoCAH White Rose Networks Studentship, the candidate/department will be required to pay the difference between the international fee rate and the UK/EU fee rate.
– York: If an international candidate is offered a WRoCAH White Rose Networks Studentship, the department will be required to pay the difference between the international fee rate and the UK/EU fee rate.
Specific enquiries regarding eligibility should be directed to the relevant Scholarships Offices (NOT the WRoCAH office):
Leeds | +44 113 343 4077 | |
Sheffield | +44 114 222 1417 | |
York | +44 1904 323374 | |
How to apply
Application is in two parts. An application cannot be considered unless BOTH PARTS are complete.
You must apply for a place of study at the institution where the studentship you are applying for is to be registered. If you have not done this yet, you can do this at the following links:
– Leeds: – Sheffield: – York: You may wait up to 48 hours at busy times for applications to be processed and confirmation of your 9-digit student number so make sure you apply for a place of study in plenty of time so you do not miss the studentship application deadline. |
Studentship Application Form:
If you have any queries about completing the online application form, please contact the WRoCAH Office on |